Managing Emotions
James Hollis: The Summons of the Soul
In this filmed interview, world-renowned Jungian psychoanalyst, Dr James Hollis, explores the call from within to change your life.
He asks searching and demanding questions:
What is your soul's deepest desire?
What does it mean to psychologically grow up?
Why is change so difficult and so frightening?
Why is refusing to change more terrifying still?
What does it mean to escape the limiting influence of your background and culture?
Do you dare live your own uniqueness?
What does your soul demand of you and what is the cost if you ignore it's summons?
In this candid interview, Dr James Hollis shares his wisdom with Martin Lloyd-Elliott and Lloyd Miller, including transformational experiences from his personal life and from his many years of clinical practice.
Psychedelics and Spiritual Crisis
Beware of Life Coaches
Life coaching is on the rise, but amid promises of big money, experts say some are running 'certificate mills' and creating cult-like groups.
Read moreHappiness
Is Awe the Key to Psychedelics?
Psychedelic Research
Loneliness and Being Alone
We live in a bustling, crowded world, yet loneliness appears to be on the rise.
Why are so many of us feeling isolated and what can we do about it?
Read moreSound and Consciousness
Here’s an interesting talk on sound and consciousness.
Nature Is Healing
There is an ever-growing list of the benefits of natural prescriptions – now researchers say nature could offer a cure for loneliness too.
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