An anthropologist talks about her work and spiritual crisis in the U.S.
Read morePsychedelics and Conspirituality
Here’s a great breakdown of the overlap of psychedelics, spirituality, New Age ideas and conspiracy theories.
Read moreSpiritual Bypassing with Psychedelics
Avoidance is mistaken for healing.
Read moreAyahuasca Guide
Check out this nifty guide for safety with ayahuasca, for practitioners and participants.
Read moreMore on Spiritual Bypassing
Here’s John Welwood again, writing about spiritual bypassing and relationship.
Read moreInterview with John Welwood
Here’s an illuminating interview with John Welwood, who coined the term spiritual bypassing.
Read moreBeware of the Online Influencer Gurus
Online influencers, looking to make money and attract followers, are popping up everywhere. Promising to change your life in a few weeks, their promises always sound too good to be true.
Read moreSpiritual Bypassing
What is spiritual bypassing, and why is it a problem? If we don’t include psychology with spirituality, we are just skimming the surface.
Read moreShadow Work: It's Not What You Think
What is shadow work? The Shadow was coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung, but has become trendy in self-help and New Age groups, leading to spiritual bypassing. Here’s a look at what it is, and what it is not.
Read moreIntegration, Spiritual Bypassing and Shadow Work
In this interview, we hear from Dr. Westrum about the process of integration, the pitfalls of psychedelic work, and how we can avoid the traps of “spiritual bypassing” by coming to terms with our shadows.
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