UCLA psychiatry professor Charles Grob discusses ayahuasca's risks, his research on the substance, and the growing need for new ayahuasca studies.
Read moreInterview with Peter Kingsley
Interview with author and philosopher Peter Kingsley, remembering what we have forgotten.
Read moreMystical Experiences
Keep reading for an interview with a researcher of mystical experiences.
Read moreOregon’s First Psilocybin Client!
Keep reading for an interview with the patient thought to be the first person to receive psilocybin under Oregon’s new system. He discusses his psilocybin experience.
Read morePsychedelic Underground?
An Oglala Lakota Elder Talks Peyote
Keep reading for a talk with Jeffrey Sitting Bear on peyote.
Read moreVideo: Psychedelics, Consciousness, and Creativity
Could psychedelics make you more creative? Shift your mind, connect you to others, and help you access a younger, more malleable version of yourself? Activist Rick Doblin, neuroscientist Gül Dölen, and musician Reggie Watts join Brian Greene for a mind-bending and multidisciplinary conversation about the promises and pitfalls of these "magic" molecules and their impact on creativity, connection, and consciousness.
This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.
Read moreAnother Michael Pollan Interview!
Pollan spoke with Rolling Stone about his new Netflix series, and why psychedelics have the potential to not only change your mind, but change the way our society approaches everything from wellness to climate change to spirituality.
Read moreInterview with Rick Doblin
Keep reading for an interview with pioneering psychedelic activist Rick Doblin about the promise of MDMA therapy for PTSD, working with Republicans, and his hope for a drug-assisted global spiritual awakening.
Read moreInterview: Psilocybin for Depression
In this interview, leading psychedelic researcher, Robin Carhart-Harris, speaks with a participant in a psilocybin for depression trial on the potential of psychedelics.
Read moreForum on Psychedelic Research and Philanthropy
Check out this forum with Tim Ferriss, Michael Pollan, and Dr. Matthew W. Johnson on psychedelics research and philanthropy.
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