Check out this Ketamine treatment guide for mental health.
Read moreMental Health Needs in the Suicide Belt
Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, South Dakota, and New Mexico citizens are struggling with their mental health so much so that the states have coined the term “suicide belt”.
We need to make mental health treatments available to all.
Bird Songs and Mental Health
12 Minutes of Zen
When you have the time, take a moment to enjoy this beautiful underwater short film, One Breath Around the World.
Read moreKetamine Clinics Going Bust?
One of the largest startup clinic chains offering ketamine treatment has just gone bust, another is in dire straits, and others face uncertainty.
Why are so many ketamine clinics struggling, even as demand is increasing?
Read moreBad Trip? Fear Not!
A recent study featured in the Journal of Affective Disorders proposes that challenging and mystical psychedelic experiences may have a positive effect on mental health outcomes.
Read moreGuide to Ketamine Treatment
Ketamine has been around for decades but only in recent years has it found applications in mental health.
Ketamine treatments are available in two main frameworks, either with a course of psychotherapy or as a standalone medication.
Read this guide to learn more about how ketamine treatment works and how it is used in therapy.
Read morePsychedelics and Mental Health
Happiness- It's Not What We Think
Check out this article on six surprising things you think are making you happy—but are doing the opposite.
Read morePsychedelics and Mental Health: Recent Research
Psychedelic drugs can induce mind-altering states affecting perception, thought and sensory input.
They have historically been known for their recreational use and do not have nationwide legal approval.
However, psychedelic drugs are also increasingly being studied for their medical benefits (particularly with regard to mental health).
Learn more below about how certain psychedelics can—and cannot—be used for mental wellness.
Read moreMore Research on Psychedelics
Here’s a look at the most recent, promising research on psychedelics and mental health.
Read more