Psychedelics such as psilocybin and MDMA may be a promising treatment avenue for Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD).
Randomized clinical trials demonstrated the efficacy of psilocybin in reducing symptom severity in depression and MDMA in reducing PTSD symptomatology.
Furthermore, psychedelics often produce subjective effects (such as transcendence, mystical experiences, and a sense of oneness) that may be uniquely relevant to the existential distress experienced in PGD.
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In a new study, researchers found that psychological flexibility, several facets of mindfulness, and values-congruent living significantly improved following psilocybin and were maintained through week 16.
Additionally, improvements in psychological flexibility and experiential acceptance were strongly associated with reductions in depression severity following psilocybin.
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Psychedelic music session playlists have been utilized consistently for modern psychedelic-assisted therapy clinical trials, and more recently researchers at Johns Hopkins University and Imperial College of London have specifically studied the effect of these music playlists on participants in trials.
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Big news- a collaborative effort among scientists from the University of Texas at Arlington, Scottsdale Research Institute in Phoenix, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments in Maryland, and Millipore-Sigma in Round Rock, Texas, has led to the development of a new method for quantifying the potency of psilocybin and psilocin.
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Psychedelics can help dissolve the individual ego, an outcome sought in many spiritual traditions.
This dissolution fosters the understanding that one is not an isolated entity but part of a larger system.
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Here’s another look at HPPD, Hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder.
There are two types of HPPD: type 1 is characterised by brief "flashbacks", and type 2 sufferers experience chronic symptoms that can last months or a lifetime.
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