Research results, which appear in the journal Nature, suggest that psychedelic drugs work by disrupting certain brain networks, especially one that helps people form a sense of space, time and self.
Read moreHave Gratitude!
Counting our blessings is an age-old piece of advice – but it turns out that writing lists of good things that happen to us actually does help improve our mood.
Read moreThe Future of MDMA Research
Ethnobotany and Healing
Here’s a fantastic podcast with ethnobotanist Dr. Glenn Shephard, a leading expert in plant medicine.
We explore how ethnobotany exemplifies the holistic, interdisciplinary approach to health that many aspire to create. Dr. Shepard shares his insights into the deep connection between plants and people, as well as the wisdom of indigenous cultures, where health is viewed as a balance of mind, body, and spirit. We also explore the importance of how storytelling can serve as a powerful catalyst for personal and collective healing.
Read moreAn Anthropological View of Ayahuasca
It is an open question why many global psychedelic therapies focus on the past, especially the traumatic past, as the royal road to healing and spiritually flourishing with ayahuasca and other psychedelics.
Read moreHallucinogenics in Ancient Rituals
Psychedelics and Psychiatry
The controversies have related to social, political, and legal challenges.
Read morePsychedelics for Depression, Risks and Benefits
This article looks at the risks and benefits of psychedelics for treating depression.
Read morePsychedelics for Addiction, Depression and Anorexia
The Potential for Psychedelics as Medicine
This article from the APA looks at the potential of MDMA, ketamine, and psilocybin to help people with treatment-resistant mental health conditions.
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