A Non-Hallucinogenic LSD Analog?

BetterLife Pharma Inc., an emerging biotech company focused on the development and commercialization of cutting-edge treatments for mental disorders, announced that findings from a study on its lead candidate BETR-001 (2-bromo-LSD) titled “A Non-Hallucinogenic LSD Analog With Therapeutic Potential For Mood Disorders” has been published in the peer-reviewed journal of Cell Report.

What do you think?

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Psilocybin Mushrooms and Bipolar Disorder

A new study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology is the first to characterize the psychological impacts of psilocybin among people with bipolar disorder.

The findings indicate that many people with bipolar disorder who consume psilocybin, the primary psychoactive component of psychedelic “magic mushrooms,” believe that the experience is helpful. However, many also report adverse outcomes, such as manic symptoms.

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DMT and a Shared Alien Universe?

As The New Republic reports, the Colorado-based psychedelics startup Medicinal Mindfulness is currently seeking approval from the Food and Drug Administration to study what it's calling DMTx, an extended-state, intravenous drip version of DMT that will induce in users trips far longer than the roughly five-to-ten minute experiences the drug typically provides.

DMT carries with it a ton of intriguing qualities, including that studies suggest our brains produce the drug naturally and that those who have taken it often experience variations on the same theme: entering what seems to be another plane or dimension replete with its own ethereal beings, sometimes referred to as "machine elves," who are there to welcome them.

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