Evidence on Mushroom Intelligence

A body of remarkable experiments have shown that fungi operate as individuals, engage in decision-making, are capable of learning, and possess short-term memory.

These findings highlight the spectacular sensitivity of such ‘simple’ organisms, and situate the human version of the mind within a spectrum of consciousness that might well span the entire natural world.

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Latest Research on Psychedelics and Depression

Here’s the latest on how there is a shift in psychiatry toward a new way of thinking about depression, its causes, and therapies.

The profession’s long embrace of the “monoamine hypothesis” — the idea that depression primarily results from abnormal levels of neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain and that drugs can restore the proper balance — is giving way to a more complex understanding and alternative treatments, from ketamine to psychedelics to magnetic stimulation.

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Psychedelics in Psychiatry

Recently, psychedelic drugs have once again taken popular culture by storm.

From the psychedelic startup companies newly forming on Wall Street to a recent New York Timesarticle that claims "psychedelic drugs are closer to medicinal use," it seems that there is a renewed media and medical interest in acid (LSD), mushrooms (psilocybin), ecstasy (MDMA), ayahuasca, DMT (dimethyltryptamine), and ketamine.

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Podcast on Psychedelics

Check out this podcast— Founder and Executive Director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Rick Doblin discusses the role of MDMA-guided psychotherapy in treating PTSD.

Rick shares the story of how he developed a passion for healing the brain with psychedelics and the 35-year journey he’s endured to build a growing non-profit organization. He also explains how to effectively work with drugs that have been aggressively stigmatized and politicized.

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