Belief Changes with Psychedelics

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers continue their exploration into psychedelics and how these drugs may produce a wide range of profound changes in perception, cognition and mood.

In a recent study, published on Nov. 1 in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, experts from the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research explored belief changes related to psychedelic experiences.

They found that a single psychedelic experience increased a range of nonphysicalist beliefs as well as beliefs about consciousness, meaning and purpose.

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The Psychedelic Renaissance Has Issues...

From New Atlas:

“There is plenty of disagreement in the psychedelic community over how to end the drug war and achieve broader legalization.”

“Most psychedelic advocates picture a future where the drug war is over and people are free to responsibly use a number of currently illicit substances for healing, personal growth, or simple recreation. “

“But exactly how we get to that utopian future is the source of great acrimony and division in a once-unified alternative community that is increasingly moving towards the mainstream.”

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Recent Research on Psilocybin Gives Mixed Results

Compass Pathways published the long awaited results of its phase 2 clinical trial for the treatment of depression with psilocybin–assisted psychotherapy in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Psilocybin showed rapid antidepressant effects for most patients, but only 1 in 5 participants showed significant improvement at 12 weeks.

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